Capitol: 614.466.8049 FAX: 614.466.8261 District: 419.934.7387
Senator Ohio State Senate
Room 220 Senate Building 1 Capitol Square Columbus, OH 43215
District Office: 1 Capitol Square Second Floor Columbus, OH 43215
Elected: 2020 Next Election: 2028 | DOB: 10/9/1954 |
BioBill Reineke represents the 26th District in the Ohio Senate, which includes Union, Crawford, Marion, Morrow, Sandusky, Seneca, and Wyandot counties. He is currently serving his first term as State Senator. He is the Chair of the Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee and the vice chair of the Transportation Committee. His foremost priority is workforce development and job creation, which he pursues as a member on the Governor's Executive Workforce Board.
Senator Reineke previously served three terms in the Ohio House of Representatives. He has worked closely with the Seneca County Chamber of Commerce, Tiffin Seneca Economic Partnership, Tiffin Tomorrow, and Tiffin Rotary Club as a business owner in Tiffin and now represents the district in Columbus.
Senator Reineke attended Morehead State University. He is a business partner in Reineke Family Dealerships, a three-generation family business that has grown to include 10 dealerships and over 400 full and part time employees. He is a 38-year resident of Tiffin and the proud father of two daughters and grandfather of William.