Mark (Mark) Sigrist (D-SH10)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 614.466.9690
FAX: 614.719.6962
District: 614.466.7954
Ohio House of Representatives
10th Floor Vern Riffe Center 77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6111

District Office:
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Elected: 2024    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Melissa   
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Development
MemberHouse Committee on Small Business
MemberHouse Committee on Ways and Means


Mark Sigrist, a former Fortune 500 Planning Manager, a current Grove City Council at Large member, and a leader in local charities, wants to take the next step in public service. That's why he's running in the 2024 Democratic Primary for the Ohio State House of Representatives, 10th District. The 10th District includes Grove City, German Village, the west side of Columbus, Urbancrest, Lockbourne, and parts of Jackson and Prairie Township As a current Grove City At Large Council Member and longtime management member at Honda North America, Sigrist will bring a strong pragmatic and consensus-building approach to his new role. "Working with others, on issues bigger than what you can solve alone, not caring about who gets the credit, is how meaningful work gets done" Sigrist says. "I enjoy finding the experts, passionate, life-affirming people, willing to show up, not just talk, and work toward making this a better world." As an at-large City Council member, Sigrist has proven he can represent, and bring an authentic viewpoint, demonstrating his democratic values with elected officials on both sides of the aisle.

He is a proven vote getter, having been elected to a Grove City Council at Large seat in November, 2021, winning all 29 precincts and gaining 52% of the vote, out-pacing the other 3 candidates (including two incumbents) combined.

"As a public servant, the important thing is to get things done for the working families you represent" Sigrist says. "That's how I won my seat on the City Council and that's how I'll represent the hard-working people of the 10th District." Since retiring after over 33 years with Honda North America, Sigrist has not slowed down. He is a community organizer, gardener, bicyclist, daily runner, rolling up his sleeves for various community connecting activities. He, his family and friends founded the Thanksgiving Day Wattle 5K in 2012 which has raised over $220,000 for the Grove City Food Pantry and is cherished community event.

He was named as one of five finalists in the 2021 Columbus Dispatch's Every Day Heroes contest. An environmental advocate, he championed Zero Waste activities for the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Summer Festivals and was an early force in bringing centralized food waste composting to Grove City. In 2023, he, his friends and other active transportation enthusiasts, founded Grove City's first ever Bike Bus Week involving 4 public schools across Grove City. Hundreds of students, their family members, police and community volunteers rode their bicycles to and from school instead of riding in cars and buses.

The three most important people in Mark Sigrist's life have been his wife, Melissa, and his late parents, Gary and June. They were like his North Star, helping him with his value system - belief in God, in family, in hard work and in giving back to the community and those less fortunate.

"We had a big family - eight kids" Mark recalls of his childhood. "So, we learned to stretch a dollar, to work hard. But we were also very fortunate - in the things that really matter. The things money can't buy. There was a lot of love." His father, Gary, founded one of Grove City's premier family-owned businesses - Hall of Frame, a photography studio. The elder Sigrist also served as president of the Grove City Chamber of Commerce.

Mark's mother, June, focused on raising the children and also helping her husband with the photo business. Mark notes. "She was a faith-filled woman and an inspiration to all of us." When her children were grown, she became a chaplain, serving at Mount Carmel hospitals. "She felt called to comfort the sick and their families" Mark remembers. "Mom died too soon, at 58. She left a legacy of service to others that the rest of us kids have tried to carry on." To help make ends meet, Mark helped his father at the photo studio and was a busboy at Beulah Park Race Track and Scioto Downs Race Track while attending Grove City High School. He also worked his way through college.

At Ohio University, he met the love of his life, Melissa, at a Bible study group. "It was love at first sight" Mark recalls. They were married shortly after Sigrist graduated OU in 1983 with an accounting degree. In the early 90's, they lived 3 years in Japan, where Mark developed the Honda overseas expatriate program. Their daughter Emily was born in Japan. During his many years with Honda North America, the couple had three children - Alex, Adam and Emily. Mark and Melissa are looking forward - God willing - to lots of grandchildren in the future.