Doug (Doug) Clemens (D-SH072)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 573.751.1832
FAX: 573.522.2301
District: 314.770.9992
Room 105-B State Capitol 201 West Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO 65101

District Office:
201 West Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Stephanie   
Committee Assignments
RM MemberHouse Committee on Pensions
RM MemberHouse Committee on Financial Institutions
RM MemberHouse Committee on Government Efficiency
MemberJoint Committee on Public Employee Retirement
MemberHouse Committee on Agriculture
MemberHouse Committee on Administration and Accounts
MemberJoint Committee on Administrative Rules
Counties Representing
St. Louis


Representative Doug Clemens, a Democrat, represents St. Louis County (District 72) in the Missouri House of Representatives. He was elected to his first two-year term in November 2018.

In addition to his legislative duties, Clemens previously worked with a company that installs live captioning phones in the homes of the hearing impaired through the Americans with Disabilities Act. He also served for more than four years as the chairman of the West Lake / Bridgeton Landfill Community Advisory Group. As a founding member of the group, Clemens has been very active in efforts to remove radioactive waste from his community.

Clemens is an active member of his community and has been a member of the St. Charles Chamber of Commerce, the Home Builder's Association, the Northwest Chamber of Commerce, the St. Louis Realtors Association, the Regional and Commercial Growth Association, and UAW Local 282 and UFCW Local 655.

A graduate of Pattonville Senior High School, Clemens went on to obtain a bachelor's degree in Political Science - International Relations and Economic Studies at the University of Missouri - Columbia.

A lifelong resident of the 72nd House District, Clemens currently resides in St. Ann with his wife, Stephanie.