Dan (Dan) Zumbach (R-SS34)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 515.281.3371
FAX: 515.242.5212
District: 563.920.5094
State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319

District Office:
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
Elected: 2011    Next Election: 2028
Spouse: Michelle   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSenate Committee on Transportation
Vice ChairSenate Committee on Appropriations
MemberJoint Review Committee on Fuel Distribution Percentage Formula
MemberSubcommittee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
MemberJoint Legislative Council Committee on Capital Projects
MemberJoint Legislative Council Committee on Fiscal
MemberSenate Committee on Natural Resources and Environment
MemberSenate Committee on Agriculture
MemberSenate Committee on Commerce
Counties Representing


Senator Dan Zumbach is a farmer from Delaware County. Besides his work on the family farm, Senator Zumbach is a former member of the West Delaware School Board and the Delaware County Fair Board. He is a former Delaware County 4-H leader, a former official for the Iowa High School Athletic Association and Ryan Lions Club. Senator Zumbach is also a member of Farm Bureau and the Lutheran Church.

He and his wife, Michelle, have four children, six grandchildren, and live near Ryan.