Dawn (Dawn) Driscoll (R-SS46)
Email - Web Site
Capitol: 515.281.3371 FAX: 515.242.5212 District: 319.430.3069
State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319
District Office: 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319
Elected: 2020 Next Election: 2028 | Spouse: Joe |
BioSenator Dawn Driscoll is a sixth-generation farmer and a mother of three. She was the past president of the Iowa County Farm Bureau, and has been an active volunteer in her community, including chairman of the Ag in the Classroom program in schools and nursing homes, coaching volleyball and basketball, and being a religious education teacher, 4-H community leader, and a preschool board president.
Senator Driscoll has a Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture from Western Illinois University. Along with being a recruiter in the agriculture industry, she raises Angus cattle and farms with her family in rural Iowa County.