Craig (Craig) Steven Williams (R-SH011)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 515.281.3221
FAX: 515.281.6958
District: 712.790.8927
State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319

District Office:
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
Elected: 2024    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Cindy   
Committee Assignments
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Local Government
MemberSubcommittee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
MemberHouse Committee on Environmental Protection
MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary
MemberHouse Committee on Transportation
Counties Representing
Buena Vista / Sac


Originally from Rockford, Illinois, Senator Craig Williams has been a resident of Manning, Iowa, since 1991. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in operations management and information systems from Bradley University in 1984 and is currently a self-employed consultant in international agriculture business. Senator Williams has been active in politics since 1982, working on the re-election campaign for U.S. House Minority Leader Bob Michel in Peoria, Illinois. After moving to Iowa, he got involved in state and local politics, helping out candidates to the legislature and becoming an active member in party politics. Senator Williams has helped host conventions, served as a delegate at the Republican National Convention, served on the state central committee, and was the treasurer for the Republican Party of Iowa. He and his wife of over 30 years, Cindy, have two children and four grandchildren.