Capitol: 515.281.3221 FAX: 515.281.6958 District: 515.371.5669
State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319
District Office: 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | DOB: 5/11/1968 |
BioCongressman David Young is proud to represent Iowa's Third District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Now is the time for real action, because the hardworking taxpayers deserve better.
David got to work the moment he came to Washington and was appointed to serve on the influential House Appropriations Committee, giving him an opportunity to read the fine print and shake up Washington. He is the only Member of the Iowa delegation, House and Senate, on the powerful Committee which is responsible for writing legislation that allocates funding to federal agencies and departments. His most important priority - to be a diligent watchdog of Iowans' hard earned tax dollars.
People in Iowa and across the country are frustrated with how dysfunctional Washington has become. Imagine a Washington where the hardworking taxpayers and common sense solutions are put first. David understands and has heard this message; his mission is to make government more efficient, effective, and accountable.
David also serves on three Appropriation Subcommittees with direct impact on Iowans. He has been assigned to the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittees on Agriculture,Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development and Financial Services and General Government.
As a sixth generation Iowan, born on May 11, 1968, David has deep roots in the Hawkeye State. His family homesteaded in Pocahontas County in 1881. Emigrating from Germany, they were drawn to America by the promise of freedom, liberty, and by the endless opportunity available to anyone who works hard. The grandson of a tenant farmer and a preacher who built a church in Laurel, David learned early on Iowan values and what it meant to have an Iowan work ethic.
Growing up in Van Meter, David played little league baseball and was a paperboy in town. Eventually, his family moved to Johnston and he worked summers at the Iowa State Fair.
Upon graduating from high school, David attended his father's and grandmother's alma mater, Buena Vista College. He eventually went on to graduate from Drake University in 1991 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English.
After Drake University, David began his life as a public servant working as a legislative and policy aide in Iowa and on Capitol Hill.
Most recently, David served the people of Iowa as chief of staff to Senator Chuck Grassley. As Chief of Staff, David spent every single day working on behalf of Iowans. He listened to their concerns, developed solutions, and navigated the federal bureaucracy to get results. Dealing with government should not be that hard. Government exists to serve the people, not the other way around.
Throughout David's career in the U.S. Senate, he heard from Iowans worried about burdensome regulations, the skyrocketing national debt, long-term unemployment, and mounting government scandals. David decided that with his experience working for Senator Grassley, he was prepared to meet these daunting challenges, make the tough choices, and get something done.
Like most Iowans, David is driven to fix problems. He knows how Washington works and he knows where Washington is failing to work. His experience will go to work for Iowans - as their voice, their representative in the halls of Congress.