Lindsay (Lindsay) James (D-SH071)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 515.281.3221
FAX: 515.281.5868
District: 563.235.4278
State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319

District Office:
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Christopher   
Committee Assignments
Ranking MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary
MemberHouse Committee on Ways and Means
MemberHouse Committee on Commerce
MemberHouse Committee on Environmental Protection
Counties Representing


Lindsay is the Representative for Iowa House District 71. Lindsay is passionate about lifting up our hard-working Dubuque families and mobilizing our community around the values that bring kids a secure future - a thriving economy, a clean environment, strong schools, and vibrant neighborhoods.

In her short time as a State Representative, James Co-founded Iowa's first bi-cameral, bi-partisan caucus. Led the charge for insulin access, mobile home protections, and most recently passed historic racial justice reform. Lindsay has worked on issues related to affordable housing, food security, children's mental health, and pharmaceutical costs. She is known for being passionate and principled as well as for forging friendships across the aisle.

Lindsay is an ordained Presbyterian (PCUSA) Pastor and has spent her career as a college chaplain. She lives in Dubuque with her husband Christopher-a professor of theology at the University of Dubuque-and their two spunky children.