Mike (Mike) Bohacek (R-SS08)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 317.232.7184
FAX: 317.233.4276
District: 219.861.6399
State House 200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2785

District Office:
200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2785
Elected: 2016    Next Election: 2028
Spouse: Melissa   
Committee Assignments
MemberSenate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
MemberSenate Committee on Local Government
MemberSenate Committee on Health and Provider Services
Counties Representing
La Porte / St. Joseph


Elected Indiana State Senate, 2016 - Present Political Affiliation Republican Standing Committees Corrections and Criminal Law Health and Provider Services Local Government Education DePaul University, Chicago IL - B.S. in Finance DePaul University, Chicago IL - B.S. in Economics Activities Two-Term Laporte County Commissioner Occupation Enterprise Consultant, Echo Global Logistics Owner, MSL Services Inc., Michiana Shores, IN Personal Wife Melissa and three daughters Lisa, Lucy and Stephanie Counties Served Starke County and portions of LaPorte, Marshall and St. Joseph counties