Sue (Sue) Glick (R-SS13)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 317.232.9425
FAX: 317.233.4276
District: 260.463.3063
State House 200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2785

District Office:
200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2785
Elected: 2010    Next Election: 2028
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSenate Committee on Natural Resources
Ranking MemberSenate Committee on Agriculture
MemberSenate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
MemberSenate Committee on Rules and Legislative Procedure
MemberSenate Committee on Judiciary
Counties Representing
De Kalb / Kosciusko / Lagrange / Noble / Steuben


Elected Indiana State Senate, 2010-present Political Affiliation Republican Standing Committees Natural Resources, chair Agriculture, ranking member Corrections & Criminal Law, ranking member Judiciary Rules & Legislative Procedure Education Westview High School, Topeka, Indiana Indiana University, Bloomington, A.B. in Political Science Indiana University, Indianapolis, J.D.

Activities LaGrange County Election Board, president, 2008-2010 Precinct committeeperson, 1980-Present LaGrange County Corn School Committee, secretary-treasurer, 1980-Present LaGrange County Library Board, member LaGrange County Republican Party, past chair Former Legal counsel for towns of Shipshewana and Topeka and LaGrange County Park Board American, Indiana State and LaGrange County Bar Associations Order of the Eastern Star Honors Distinguished Public Service Award, Indiana American Legion, 2013 Sagamore of the Wabash, 1974 Honorary Speaker, Indiana House of Representatives, 1972 Charter Fellow, Indiana Bar Foundation Occupation Attorney LaGrange County Prosecuting Attorney, 1983-1990 Religious Affiliation Methodist Counties Served LaGrange, Noble and Steuben counties, and portions of DeKalb County