Eric (Eric) Koch (R-SS44)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 317.232.9498
FAX: 317.233.4276
District: 812.329.1336
State House 200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2785

District Office:
200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2785
Elected: 2016    Next Election: 2028
Spouse: Connie   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSenate Committee on Utilities
Ranking MemberSenate Committee on Commerce and Technology
Ranking MemberSenate Committee on Judiciary
MemberSenate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
Counties Representing
Jackson / Lawrence / Monroe / Orange / Washington


Elected Indiana State Senate, 2016 - Present Indiana House of Representatives, 2002 - 2016 Political Affiliation Republican Standing Committees Utilities, Chair Commerce & Technology, Ranking Member Judiciary, Ranking Member Corrections & Criminal Law Education Georgetown University, B.S. (1987) Indiana University School of Law, J.D. (1989) Indiana University School of Law (Civil Mediation Certificate) University of Idaho, College of Business and Economics (Graduate Certificate in Energy Policy Planning).

Southern Methodist University (Certificate, Community Bank Directors Program) Activities Board of Governors, Society of Indiana Pioneers Commissioner, National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws Consumer Advisory Committee, Federal Communication Commission Executive Committee of the National Council on Electricity Policy Member, Indiana Public Defender Commission Member, Indiana Supreme Court Innovation Initiative Member, Indiana Commercial Courts Committee Member, The Council of State Governments Midwestern Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee Member, Indiana Geological & Water Survey Advisory Council Board of Directors, Mid-Southern Savings Bank FSB and Mid-Southern Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ- MSVB) Member, Indiana Probate Code Study Commission National Conference of State Legislators Co-chair, Energy Supply Task Force Honors Commitment to Rural Water Excellence Award, Alliance of Indiana Rural Water (2022) Sagamore of the Wabash (2016) Senator of the Year, Aviation Indiana (2020) 2019 Legislator of the Year, The Arc of Indiana (2020) Guardian of Small Business Award, National Federation of Independent Business (2019) Legislative Excellence Award, Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council (2018 & 2021) Champion of Justice, Indiana Judges Association (2016) National Active & Retired Federal Employees Association (2016) Outstanding Achievement in State Tax Reform, Tax Foundation (2015) Legislator of the Year, Indiana Volunteer Firefighters Association (2015) Champion of Indiana's Electric Cooperatives (2015) Legislator of the Year, Indiana Trial Lawyers Association (2015) Randall T. Shepard Award, Indiana Pro Bono Commission (2012) Legislator of the Year, Indiana Telecommunications Association (2011) Cordry-Sweetwater Conservancy District (2010) Legislator of the Year, Indiana Trial Lawyers Association (2008) President's Award, Southern Indiana Center for Independent Living (2006 & 2008) Legislative Leadership Award, Indiana Rural Health Association (2006) Government Leadership Award, Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce (2005) Civil Air Patrol (2005) Indiana Speech - Language - Hearing Association (2005) Corporation for Educational Technology (2004) Southern Indiana Drug Task Force (2004) Kentucky Colonel (2004) Legislative Service Award, Indiana Municipal Power Agency, (2017) Legislator of the Year, Indiana Chapter National Association of Water Companies (2018) Occupation Attorney Religious Affiliation Protestant Personal Wife- Connie Three sons Counties Served Brown, Jackson, Lawrence and Orange counties, and portions of Monroe County