Capitol: 317.233.9635 FAX: 317.233.9835 District: 317.232.9816
State House 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
District Office: 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2012 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Christine |
BioHouse District 5- Portions of St. Joseph County
Family, Children and Human Affairs (Chair)
Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
Occupation- Home builder
State Rep. Dale DeVon was elected to the Indiana General Assembly in November 2012. He was born and raised in Clay Township and has lived in Granger since 1989.
In the 1980s, DeVon began his first business as a contractor, and in 1995, he started DeVon Custom Homes, a business he still operates today. In 1997, he was named national director for the Home Builders Association.
DeVon still serves as the state and national director of the Home Builders Association. In 2002, DeVon was elected to St. Joseph County Council District where he served as chairman of the Land Use Committee.
DeVon's passion is helping youth. He was the senior high youth group leader at New Life Christian Fellowship and he continues to meet with youth at the Juvenile Justice Center. He is also on the school board for The Crossing, a school for at-risk youth.
DeVon married his wife, Christine, in 1978. They have three children and seven grandchildren.