Timothy (Tim) Wesco (R-SH021)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 317.234.9166
FAX: 317.233.9835
District: 317.232.9676
State House 200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786

District Office:
200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2010    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Kathryn   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Elections and Apportionment
MemberHouse Committee on Natural Resources
MemberHouse Committee on Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
Counties Representing
Elkhart / St. Joseph


Indiana House of Representatives- 2010-Present House District 21- Portions of Elkhart and St. Joseph counties Committees- Elections and Apportionment (Chair) Natural Resources Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications Occupation- Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church of Elkhart State Rep. Tim Wesco was born and raised in Northern Indiana, where he grew up on land once farmed by his great grandfather, Virgil Culp. In high school, Wesco got his first job making minimum wage at the family piano building business, Walter Piano Co., in Elkhart.

At age 19, Wesco did what so many others from Elkhart have done; he got a job working in a RV factory. Along the way, he joined his township fire department and become involved in public service with the Young Republicans as an outlet for his passionate beliefs in limited government, personal responsibility and fiscal integrity.

Wesco has served as state representative since 2010. He has remained true to the principles of limited government, personal responsibility and fiscal integrity upon which he was elected.

Wesco is a graduate of Bethel College with a BS degree in organizational management.

In 2013, Wesco married his wife, Kathryn, and they reside just outside the town of Osceola.