Craig (Craig) Snow (R-SH022)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 317.234.9304
FAX: 317.233.9835
District: 317.234.2993
State House 200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786

District Office:
200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Sherri   
Committee Assignments
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Ways and Means
MemberHouse Committee on Insurance
Counties Representing
Kosciusko / Wabash


Indiana House of Representatives- 2020-Present House District 22- Includes portions of Kosciusko and Wabash counties Committees- Agriculture and Rural Development Insurance (Vice Chair) Ways and Means Address- 200 W. Washington St.

Indianapolis, IN 46204 Statehouse Phone Number- 800-382-9841 Hometown- Warsaw Occupation- Board chair of Silveus Insurance Group and CEO of Cedar Holdings Inc.

Education- Warsaw Community High School Grace College - bachelor of science degree in business administration Community Involvement- Winona Lake Town Council Co-chair, Global Leadership Summit Warsaw Chamber of Commerce Board Kosciusko Economic Development Corp.

Chair, Winona Lake Grace Brethren Church Board of Elders Vice president, Northeast Indiana Regional Development Authority About- When in middle school, Snow and his family moved to Warsaw from Missouri so his father could begin studying seminary at Grace Theological Seminary. After graduating from Warsaw Community High School, Snow attended Grace College where he earned a bachelor's of science in business administration.

Prior to joining the Silveus Organization in 2006, where he now serves as chair of the board, Snow began his career at Zimmer before holding held various leadership positions at DePuy-Synthes, both world-leading orthopedic companies. In 2010, he became chief executive officer of Cedar Holdings.

The Indiana Philanthropy Alliance awarded Snow the 2022 Public Policy Champion of Philanthropy Award for authoring a new law helping to expand childcare options. Snow and his wife, Sherri, live in Warsaw and have three grown children, Tyler, Kahler and Chloe. They are members of Winona Lake Grace Brethren Church where they are active in adult bible fellowship, and Snow serves as chairman of the elder board.