Sue (Sue) Errington (D-SH034)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 317.234.9307
FAX: 317.232.9795
District: 765.282.3581
State House 200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786

District Office:
200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2012    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Paul Errington   
Committee Assignments
RM MemberHouse Committee on Environmental Affairs
Vice ChairHouse Statutory Committee on Ethics
MemberHouse Committee on Elections and Apportionment
Counties Representing


Sue grew up in northern Indiana and came to Muncie in 1970, when she and her husband Paul took jobs at Ball State, Sue as a Spanish instructor and Paul as a physics professor. It was in Muncie that Sue found her passion for community activism, serving on local boards and commissions and with local, state, and national organizations that advance women's rights and good government. After her two daughters graduated from Muncie Community Schools, she became the Public Policy Director for the local Planned Parenthood affiliate, which later became part of Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky. When she realized that it's sometimes easier to change legislators than to change a legislator's vote, she ran for office.

Sue served on the Delaware County Council and in the Indiana State Senate before she was first elected to the Indiana House of Representatives in 2012. She is the ranking minority member of the House Environmental Affairs Committee. She is also a member of the Natural Resources Committee and serves as vice chair of the Statutory Committee on Ethics. She is a member and currently serves as the State Lead for Indiana of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators (NCEL).

Sue continues to give back to the Muncie community as a member of the board of directors of OUTReach and by volunteering on the Red Tail Land Conservancy's Munsee Woods Steering Committee, the Land Conservation Fund Advisory Committee of the Muncie-Delaware County Community Foundation, the Delaware County Meth Health and Home Coalition, the Delaware County Tobacco Free Coalition, and the Muncie/Delaware County Coalition of Women's Organizations. She's a member of the Muncie-Delaware County League of Women Voters and the Muncie branch of the American Association of University Women. She's a long-time member of the Unitarian Universalist Church and served a term as President of its Board of Trustees.

Sue is a graduate of IU Bloomington and earned her master's degree at the University of Michigan. In addition to their two daughters, she and her late husband, Paul, have two grandchildren. Keeping her company at home are her cats, Hansel and Gretel.