Joanna (Joanna) King (R-SH049)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 317.234.9111
FAX: 317.233.9835
District: 317.232.9657
State House 200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786

District Office:
200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Levi   
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Courts and Criminal Code
MemberHouse Committee on Government and Regulatory Reform
MemberHouse Committee on Public Health
Counties Representing


Indiana House of Representatives- 2020-Present House District 49- Includes a portion of Elkhart County in northern Indiana Committees- Courts and Criminal Code Government and Regulatory Reform Public Health Veterans Affairs and Public Safety (Vice Chair) Address- 200 W. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46204 Statehouse Phone Number- 800-382-9841 Hometown- Middlebury Occupation- Small-business owner Education- Northridge High School Community Involvement- Elkhart County Boys & Girls Club Board of Trustees (2017-present) Middlebury Community School Board, member and past president (2006-2020) Maple City Chapel Stewardship Team, past president (2013-2020) Goshen Theater Capital Campaign Co-Chair (2017-2020) Maple City Chapel Capital Campaign (2018) Middlebury Boys & Girls Club Board, member and past president (2009-2017) Habitat for Humanity All Women Build (2017) LaGrange County Conventions & Visitors Bureau Board (2012-2016) Shipshewana Retail Merchants Board (2007-2012) Awards and Recognitions- Business Legacy Hall of Fame Award, Helen Murray Woman in Business (2019) Hoosier Hospitality Award (2018) Boys & Girls Club Beacon of Light Award (2017) Indiana Torchbearer Award (2016) About- King is a long-time resident of Elkhart County with strong community roots and business experience. After graduating high school, King started her first business. JoJo's Pretzels would become the first of several small tourism and hospitality businesses King and her husband, Levi, would own as part of King Corporation.

As a well-respected entrepreneur in the region, King is passionate about representing the needs of Hoosier families small businesses and local manufacturers.

Over the years, King has also been involved with many area organizations and non-profits and served on a number of their boards, including as president of the Middlebury Community School Board for a time.

Today, she and her husband live in Middlebury and have four grown children and two grandchildren. They are active members of Maple City Chapel.