Capitol: 317.234.9453 FAX: 317.232.9795 District: 812.454.3415
State House 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
District Office: 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2024 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Dr. Xavia H. Burton |
BioState Rep. Alex Burton was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives on November 5, 2024. He serves on the following House committees- Family, Children, and Human Affairs; Judiciary; Natural Resources; and Utilities, Energy, and Telecommunications.
Rep. Burton represents Evansville, IN (House District 77) and is a leading voice for neighborhood revitalization, food access, youth development, and housing. Rep. Burton is a graduate of Indiana State University and Western Kentucky University. He was born and raised in Evansville and has family roots that date back to the 1800s.
Rep. Burton has been a consistent voice for progress and is determined to ensure 'e' truly is for everyone. He has a vision for Evansville and is committed to implementing sound policy, growing Southwestern Indiana, and ensuring that the lives of Hoosiers are better because of his service.
Rep. Burton has created multiple programs geared towards helping youth, adults, and families reach their fullest potential with federal, state, and local resources. Rep. Burton has brought people and organizations together to find solutions. He has a willing spirit to serve to make our community stronger, better, and more collaborative.
He is married to Dr. Xavia H. Burton and together, they have one child, Arrington Robert and two active dogs (Susie Carmichael and Rallo Tubbs). They reside in the 4th Ward of Evansville between Bellemeade and Bayard Parks.