Kyle (Kyle) Miller (D-SH082)
Email - Web Site
Capitol: 317.234.9047 FAX: 317.233.9835 District: 317.234.9047
State House 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
District Office: 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | |
BioKyle Miller represents House District 82 in the Indiana House of Representatives. Representing his home town of Fort Wayne, Miller is currently serving his first term as a State Representative. He is a graduate of Homestead High School.
Kyle is a member of the Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development, Financial Institutions and Public Policy committees.
With experience working in small business and a family man, Kyle is passionate about strengthening local economies and helping Hoosiers achieve the American Dream, which extends far beyond owning a business. Kyle is steadfast in his dedication to helping Hoosiers access quality and affordable health care with an emphasis on ensuring that veterans who served our country are taken care of back home.
Along with lowering the cost of prescription medications, Kyle is a proponent of legalizing marijuana to curb Indiana's opioid epidemic and for paid family and medical leave.
As a father of two young children, Kyle got into politics to make his community and state a better place for his children to grow up in and to help his constituents shape their communities with strong schools and jobs.