Christopher (Christopher) Judy (R-SH083)
Email - Web Site
Capitol: 317.234.9045 FAX: 317.233.9835 District: 317.232.9863
State House 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
District Office: 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2014 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Alena |
BioIndiana House of Representatives- 2014 - presente
House District 83- Portions of Allen and Whitley counties
Family, Children and Human Affairs (Vice Chair)
Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
Ways and Means
Address- 200 West Washington Street, Suite 401, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Toll-free Statehouse #- (800) 382-9841
Direct Line- (317) 232-9619
Occupation- Licensed Life and Health Insurance Broker
State Representative Christopher Judy joined the Indiana House of Representatives in September 2014.
Before joining the Legislature, Rep. Judy was born in Wabash, Ind. and spent most of his youth in Whitley County. He graduated from Manchester High School.
Rep. Judy is a decorated veteran of the Indiana National Guard and served in Iraq during 2008 as a combat medic.
Rep. Judy serves on the board of directors for the Community Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Indiana.
Rep. Judy and his wife Alena live in Aboite Township and attend Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne. They have two daughters, Izabelle and Savannah.