Benjamin (Benjamin) Brooks (D-SS10)
Email - Web Site - Twitter
Capitol: 410.841.3606 FAX: 410.946.5080 District: 410.493.5706
Room 303 James Senate Office Building 11 Bladen Street Annapolis, MD 21401-1991
District Office: 11 Bladen Street Annapolis, MD 21401-1991
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Theresa DOB: 4/23/1950 |
BioElected to the Maryland Senate in November 2022. Member of the Senate since January 11, 2023. Member of the Maryland House of Delegates, 2015-2023.
Current Assignments
2023 Committee on Education, Energy, and the Environment
2023 Energy Subcommittee of the Committee on Education, Energy and the Environment
2023 Joint Committee on Program Open Space & Agricultural Land Preservation
2023 Senate Chair, Joint Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP) Workgroup
2015 Legislative Black Caucus (1st vice-chair, 2019-20; 2nd Vice-Chair, 2018-19; treasurer, 2016-22)
2023 Executive Board Member, Maryland Veteran's Caucus (House Member 2015-2022)
Edrich Manor Homeowners Association; Northern Cove Property Owners Association, Inc.; South Carolina State University Alumni Association; Greater Baltimore Chapter; The Liberty Road Business Association, Inc.; American Legion Post 202; Board of Directors; Sojourner Douglass College, 2012-; St. Gabriel Roman Catholic Church, Windsor Mill, Maryland.
Biographical Information
Born in Sumter, South Carolina, April 23, 1950; Attended Ebenezer High School, Sumter, South Carolina; South Carolina State University, B.S., Accounting, 1976; U.S. Army, 1962-1972 (Accommodations Medal; Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Medal; Vietnam Service Medal); Cost Accountant, Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc. 1978-1987 (Junior Accountant, 1976-1978); Owner, B&R Brooks Professional Tax Service, 1987-; President, Brooks Family Investments, Inc. 2004 -; Member, Board of Licednse Commissioners, Baltimore County, 2011-2013; Vice-President, S.A.W. Enterprises, Inc.; Married; three children.