Benjamin (Benjamin) Brooks (D-SS10)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 410.841.3606
FAX: 410.946.5080
District: 410.493.5706
Room 303 James Senate Office Building 11 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1991

District Office:
11 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1991
Elected: 2022    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Theresa   DOB: 4/23/1950
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Energy
Vice ChairSenate Select Committee on Baltimore City
MemberJoint Committee on Audit and Evaluation
MemberSenate Committee on Rules
MemberSenate Committee on Education, Energy, and the Environment
Counties Representing


Elected to the Maryland Senate in November 2022. Member of the Senate since January 11, 2023. Member of the Maryland House of Delegates, 2015-2023.

Current Assignments 2023 Committee on Education, Energy, and the Environment 2023 Energy Subcommittee of the Committee on Education, Energy and the Environment 2023 Joint Committee on Program Open Space & Agricultural Land Preservation 2023 Senate Chair, Joint Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP) Workgroup 2015 Legislative Black Caucus (1st vice-chair, 2019-20; 2nd Vice-Chair, 2018-19; treasurer, 2016-22) 2023 Executive Board Member, Maryland Veteran's Caucus (House Member 2015-2022) Memberships Edrich Manor Homeowners Association; Northern Cove Property Owners Association, Inc.; South Carolina State University Alumni Association; Greater Baltimore Chapter; The Liberty Road Business Association, Inc.; American Legion Post 202; Board of Directors; Sojourner Douglass College, 2012-; St. Gabriel Roman Catholic Church, Windsor Mill, Maryland.

Biographical Information Born in Sumter, South Carolina, April 23, 1950; Attended Ebenezer High School, Sumter, South Carolina; South Carolina State University, B.S., Accounting, 1976; U.S. Army, 1962-1972 (Accommodations Medal; Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Medal; Vietnam Service Medal); Cost Accountant, Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc. 1978-1987 (Junior Accountant, 1976-1978); Owner, B&R Brooks Professional Tax Service, 1987-; President, Brooks Family Investments, Inc. 2004 -; Member, Board of Licednse Commissioners, Baltimore County, 2011-2013; Vice-President, S.A.W. Enterprises, Inc.; Married; three children.