Sam (Sam) Singh (D-SS28)
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Capitol: 517.373.3447
FAX: 517.373.9635
District: 517.515.1075
Michigan State Senate
Room S-8 Capitol Building 100 North Capitol Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933

District Office:
100 North Capitol Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933
Elected: 2022    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Kerry Ebersole Singh   DOB: 3/4/1971
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSenate Committee on Oversight
Vice ChairSubcommittee on EGLE
Vice ChairSenate Committee on Energy and Environment
Vice ChairSenate Committee on Government Operations
MemberSenate Committee on Natural Resources and Agriculture
MemberSubcommittee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
MemberSubcommittee on Universities and Community Colleges
MemberJoint Legislative Council
Counties Representing


Senator Sam Singh has always been committed to a life of civic engagement. Sam is the first Indian American elected to the Michigan Senate, where he serves as Majority Floor Leader in his first term in office.

No stranger to Lansing, Singh served three terms as State Representative, from 2013-2018, where he was a passionate champion for K-12 education, environmental protection, and economic development. In his last term, his colleagues selected him to serve as the Democratic Leader.

Over the past 25 years, Singh has made a career of supporting the mid-Michigan area through his work with philanthropy, public service and nonprofit board service. In 1995, at the age of 24, he was elected to the East Lansing City Council where he served three terms, one as Mayor. He has also served as president and CEO of the Michigan Nonprofit Association, senior consultant for the New Economy Initiative, and CEO of Public Policy Associates.

Singh is a graduate of Michigan State University and lives in East Lansing with his wife, Kerry, and their son, Remy.