Capitol: 517.373.7317 FAX: 517.373.5930 District: 989.272.8001
Representative Michigan House of Representatives
Room S-1289 Cora B. Anderson House Office Building 124 North Capitol Avenue Lansing, MI 48933
District Office: 124 North Capitol Avenue Lansing, MI 48933
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Janet |
BioRep. Tom Kunse was first elected to the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2022. He represents the 100th District, which includes Mecosta, Osceola, and parts of Lake, and Clare counties.
Rep. Kunse serves as the Republican vice chair on the House Ethics and Oversight Committee. He also serves as a member on the Labor, and Transportation, Mobility and Infrastructure Committees.
Rep. Kunse attended Clare High School before receiving his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Tech, and his MS in Nuclear Physics from Central Michigan University.
Rep. Kunse has been the owner of Northern Dry Bulk for 30 years, a specialized transportation company.
Community involvement
Rep. Kunse is heavily involved in the community, serving as a youth sports coach, a math tutor, a USA Hockey official, and an MHSAA Basketball official in his spare time.
Rep. Kunse has been married to his wife, Janet, for 25 years. They have two adult children, and two dogs. Rep. Kunse attends Clare Congregational Church, in his hometown of Clare.