Parker (Parker) Fairbairn (R-SH107)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 517.373.2629
FAX: 517.373.5930
District: 231.881.5563
Michigan House of Representatives
Room S-1486 Cora B. Anderson House Office Building 124 North Capitol Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933

District Office:
124 North Capitol Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933
Elected: 2024    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Regulatory Reform
MemberHouse Committee on Communications and Technology
MemberHouse Committee on Energy
MemberHouse Committee on Natural Resources and Tourism
Counties Representing
Cheboygan / Chippewa / Emmet / Mackinac


I am a lifelong resident of northern Michigan and I am running to be your next state representative.

My family has been in the Alanson and Harbor Springs area for 5 generations, serving our community and running a variety of successful small businesses. I have a strong desire to serve, and my roots run deep in this community. That is why I am so passionate about representing our northern Michigan values in Lansing.

I am 22 years old and while I may be young, I am capable, compassionate and committed. I represent what we need in our politicians- new blood with fresh ideas that will spur economic growth, provide a check on the Governor's power grab, and protect the backbone of our economy - our small businesses. Our state and country's future depends on our ability to better engage the next generation in government and at the election booth, and I aspire to energize my peers in these efforts.

I believe the 107th District is the most unique and special district in our state - it truly is "God's country." We enjoy a quality of life that I will work to protect. I appreciate so many of the things we all know and love about life "up north"- the quaint, small-town feel of our municipalities, the magnificent beauty of our land and waters, and our northern Michigan values. My fiance, Victoria, and I look forward to raising the 6th generation of Fairbairns here. My devotion to this area comes with big ideas, too. I want to see our economy continue to grow. I want to preserve our way of life while also expanding economic opportunities. This will help create more good paying jobs for our residents, leave more money in their pockets and reduce red tape that acts as a barrier to growth.

I look forward to meeting you in the coming months on the campaign trail. I am eager to hear what is on your mind and look forward to partnering with you to keep our businesses thriving while preserving the uniqueness of our communities for generations to come.

I will work hard to earn and keep your trust. I ask for your support in being your next State Representative in the 107th District.