Eric (Eric) Matthews (D-SH066)
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Capitol: 406.444.4800 FAX: 406.444.4862 District: 406.600.1550
State Capitol 1301 East Sixth Avenue Helena, MT 59620-8201
District Office: 613 West Babcock Street Bozeman, MT 59715
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | |
BioBozeman native, Eric Matthews is a proud and vested member of our community. He is a graduate of Bozeman High School (1992) and Montana State University, where he earned two degrees. For 25 years, he has been a teacher at Chief Joseph Middle School. He also tended bar at the Haufbrau for a decade. He knows what makes Bozeman the great place that it is.
Eric has been an active leader in the school district for more than 20 years, helping to negotiate contracts for educators and supporting fair wages for school staff. He has served as Vice President of the Bozeman Education Association for 8 years. He has experience in consensus building and problem solving which will be necessary in Helena.
In 2018, Eric joined the board of Montana's largest workers union, Montana Federation of Public Employees (MFPE), to advocate for working Montanans. In 2021 he was elected to serve as first Vice President of MFPE.
In 2022 Eric was elected to represent House District 66 in Bozeman. During his first session he championed workers rights, pushed for increased funding opportunities for public education, fought off misguided attacks on Public education, as well as worked for solutions to other issues we face in Montana. After his first session, Eric is feeling ready to continue his hard work to make Montana a place we all want to live it.