Capitol: 573.751.1285 FAX: 573.522.2301 District: 314.494.1866
Room 101-C State Capitol 201 West Capitol Avenue Jefferson City, MO 65101
District Office: 201 West Capitol Avenue Jefferson City, MO 65101
Elected: 2020 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Jim |
BioRepresentative Johanna "Jo" Doll, a Democrat, represents St. Louis County (District 91) in the Missouri House of Representatives. She was elected to her first two-year term in November 2020.
Prior to her legislative duties, Doll worked as a physical therapist. She currently serves as vice president of the Webster Groves Board of Education.
Born in Kansas City, Doll obtained a bachelor's in psychology and a master's in physical therapy from Washington University.
Doll lives in Webster Groves with her husband, Jim. They have three children and attend the Webster Groves Presbyterian Church.