Tom (Tom) Young (R-SH37)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 614.466.6504
FAX: 614.719.6966
District: 614.466.6504
Ohio House of Representatives
11th Floor Vern Riffe Center 77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6111

District Office:
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Workforce and Higher Education
MemberHouse Committee on Financial Institutions
MemberHouse Committee on Public Insurance and Pensions
MemberHouse Committee on Finance


State Representative Tom Young is serving his first term in the Ohio House of Representatives. He represents the 42nd House District, which covers most of southern Montgomery County.

Representative Young is a leader and community activist in the Dayton region. He has lived in his district for more than 40 years. Currently, he works as the Senior Vice President at a wealth management firm. He previously served on the Wright State University Board of Trustees and the Montgomery County Board of Elections.

Representative Young is the father of three children. He resides in Washington Township.