Capitol: 614.466.8140 FAX: 614.719.3969 District: 614.466.8140
Representative Ohio House of Representatives
11th Floor Vern Riffe Center 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6111
District Office: 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Elected: 2020 Next Election: 2026 | |
BioState Representative Sharon Ray is serving her second term in the Ohio House of Representatives. She represents the 66th House District, the first female to ever hold the seat, which includes most of Medina County.
Ray was elected to serve as the assistant floor whip for the 135th General Assembly. In her role, Ray assists the majority caucus in bringing legislation to the House floor, maintaining communication between leadership and majority members, and counting votes on key legislation.
Ray has a strong background in public service, including previously serving as Medina County Commissioner and as Wadsworth City Councilwoman. She has also sat on the Medina County Board of Elections, United Way of Medina County, Red Cross of Medina County, Community Partnership for Arts and Culture, and the Salvation Army of Wadsworth.
Sharon began her career working at Roadway Express (now YRC Worldwide) and later went on to become a Certified Bailiff at the Wadsworth Municipal Court. She also worked as the Community Services Director/Probation Officer at the municipal court.
Over the years, Sharon has also received several designations and awards including the Greater Akron Chamber Economic Development Elected Official Award, YMCA Woman of Distinction Award, an appointment to the Statewide Committee on Indigent and Pro Se Litigants, and an appointment to the Farmland Preservation Task Force.
As a 50-plus year resident of Medina County, Sharon currently resides in Wadsworth. She enjoys spending time with her son and daughter-in-law, Matt and Sarah, and her two endearing grandchildren, Roman and Olivia.