Capitol: 614.466.3780 FAX: 614.466.8261 District: 937.408.6411
Senator Ohio State Senate
Room 035 Senate Building 1 Capitol Square Columbus, OH 43215
District Office: 1 Capitol Square Columbus, OH 43215
Elected: 2024 Next Election: 2028 | Spouse: Kathrin DOB: 10/5/1961 |
BioState Representative Kyle Koehler is serving his fourth term in the Ohio House. He represents the 79th District, which includes portions of Clark County. Most recently he served on the House Education and Career Readiness as well as the Federalism and Interstate Relations Committees, and was the Vice Chair of the House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee.
A life-long resident of the county, Koehler attended Catholic Central High School. Subsequently, he attended Wright State University where he attained a Bachelor's of Science degree in Computer Science. After graduating, he spent seven years working for government contractors for the Air Force and Navy as a Senior Software Engineer. He worked on everything from applying artificial intelligence, to signal analysis, to developing human interface systems for naval aircrafts.
Representative Koehler returned to the family business, K.K. Tool, as a Vice President in charge of Design and Development in 1990. K.K. Tool is the quintessential family business in that six of seven brothers and sisters all work together (with the rest of their employees) to make K.K. Tool Company a growing success.
Civic involvement is very important to Koehler. He worships at Fellowship Christian Church in Springfield and is an active member of the church community. He is a lifelong supporter of Springfield Young Life, and a member of North Hampton Lions Club and Springfield Kiwanis.
Representative Koehler and his wife, Kathrin, have been married for 30 years. They have five children.