Capitol: 515.281.3221 FAX: 515.281.5868 District: 563.271.9332
State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319
District Office: 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319
Elected: 2017 Next Election: 2026 | |
BioMonica is serving her third term in the Iowa House representing the west-central portion of Davenport. She is the ranking member of the Ethics Committee, and also serves on the State Government, Ways & Means, Labor, and Environmental Protection Committees, along with serving on the Health & Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
Monica is a longtime dedicated servant of the Davenport community. In her more than 20 years working as a counselor and instructor at Scott Community College, she focused on preparing students for their roles in the 21st century.
Monica, a longtime Davenport resident, has two adult children and four grandchildren. She has been active with several progressive groups, including Quad Cities Interfaith, a coalition of community groups and congregations that work together to address local issues such as education funding and access to healthcare.