Reed (Reed) Ingram (R-SH075)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 334.261.0507
FAX: 334.242.4015
District: 256.547.3589
Alabama House of Representatives
Suite 417-A Alabama State House 11 South Union Street
Montgomery, AL 36130-2950

District Office:
85 Meriwether Road
Pike Road, AL 36064
Elected: 2014    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Montgomery County Legislation
ChairmanHouse Committee on County and Municipal Government
MemberHouse Committee on Agriculture and Forestry
Counties Representing
Elmore / Montgomery


Representative Reed Ingram was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives on November 4, 2014.

Prior to that, he served as a member of the Montgomery County Commission from 2004 until 2014.

Representative Ingram has served on the board of a number of public/private agencies including- South Alabama Development Commission, Habitat for Humanity, Alabama State Agriculture Board of Directors, EMA Advisory Steering Committee for Montgomery County, Past President of the Farm Bureau Federation of Montgomery County, and is a current member of the board of the Central Alabama Aging Consortium.