Capitol: 515.281.3371 FAX: 515.242.5212 District: 515.957.1726
State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319
District Office: 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Jenna |
Counties Representing |
Polk |
BioIzaah Knox was elected to his first term in the Iowa Senate in 2022. He represents Senate District 17, which encompasses central Des Moines, the East Village and the East Side.
Senator Knox is an Assistant Democratic Leader.
In addition to his service in the Senate, Izaah serves as the executive director of Urban Dreams, a Des Moines community services nonprofit. He previously worked as a community outreach consultant for Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield and as an adjunct, advisor, and YouthBuild education coordinator at Des Moines Area Community College.
Izaah also serves in volunteer leadership roles for several Des Moines area organizations and institutions, including at the Greater Des Moines Community Foundation, the Mid-Iowa Health Foundation, the Simpson College Board of Trustees, the Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation, and the Bankers Trust community advisory board.
Izaah is a two-time Drake University graduate with an undergraduate degree in journalism and a master's in Education. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Iowa State University. He is married to Jenna, and they have three kids- Chance, Porter, and Johnnie.