Matthew (Matt) B. Rinker (R-SH099)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 515.281.3221
FAX: 515.281.6958
District: 319.750.5156
State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319

District Office:
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
Elected: 2022    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Sophie   
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Health and Human Services
MemberHouse Committee on Veterans Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Labor and Workforce
MemberHouse Committee on Public Safety
Counties Representing


I was born in Burlington, Iowa, and grew up in the same house my whole life. My father worked in law enforcement, and my mother took care of the family home until she went to work at a local factory when my siblings and I were in school. I attended Burlington Community High School until my graduation in 2003.

After graduation, I joined the United States Navy, where I served on active duty as a military police officer until I left the service in late 2008. During my time while stationed abroad, I met my wife Sophie one night while out with friends. We fell in love, and she moved back to Iowa with me to start our lives together.

After returning to Iowa, my wife and I enrolled in school at Southeastern Community College. I worked towards my degree in public policy, while she completed her degree to become a Registered Nurse. In 2013, I graduated from Western Illinois University with a degree in Political Science and Economics. I then shortly after started my career as a local Shelter Insurance agent in Burlington.

My wife and I started a family in 2011, welcoming our first daughter Elin into the world. Olivia, our second child, arrived soon after that reminding us that parenting is hard. We lost our 3rd child Mia during childbirth. Jacob, our fourth and final, completed the family in 2018. My wife and I currently work in Southeast Iowa, and our children attend local schools.