Capitol: 317.232.9773 FAX: 317.233.9835 District: 317.234.2993
State House 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
District Office: 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2018 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Mary Ann |
BioIndiana House of Representatives- 2018-Present
House District 56- Wayne County and portions of Henry County
Address- 200 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204
Office- (317) 232-9643
Toll Free- (800) 382-9841
Public Health, Chair
Agriculture and Rural Development
Occupation- Retired
University of Notre Dame, B.S. in Professional Studies
The Ohio State University College of Medicine, M.D.
State Rep. Brad Barrett graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a degree in pre-professional studies before attending The Ohio State University's College of Medicine. He is a retired general surgeon, previously serving Wayne County for 25 years. Barrett is a former president of General Surgeons, Inc. and recently served as President of the Indiana Chapter of the American College of Surgeons.
Barret's involvement in the community includes serving on the board of directors for both the Reid Health Foundation and the Boys and Girls Club of Wayne County. He and his wife support multiple local not-for-profits including the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Circle U Help Center and Communities In Schools.
Barrett and his wife, Mary Ann, live in Richmond and have two children, Erin and Drew