Beau (Beau) Baird (R-SH044)
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Capitol: 317.232.9733
FAX: 317.233.9835
District: 317.232.9627
State House 200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786

District Office:
200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Environmental Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Rules and Legislative Procedures
MemberHouse Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Counties Representing
Clay / Parke / Putnam / Vigo


State Rep. Beau Baird Indiana House of Representatives- 2018-Present Represents House District 44, which includes all of Putnam County and a portion of Montgomery County.

Committees- Agriculture and Rural Development (Vice Chair) Ways and Means Education- IMM Global EMBA in business administration and management from the Krannert School of Management Occupation- Owner/operator of Baird Ranch and chief financial officer, Indiana Home Care Plus Telephone- (317) 232-9981 Direct Line (800) 382-9841 Toll Free Address- 200 W. Washington St.

Indianapolis, IN 46204 Biography- State Rep. Beau Baird is a lifelong resident of Putnam County. Elected in November of 2018, he is honored to represent the district, which includes all of Putnam County and a portion of Montgomery County.

Baird graduated from Greencastle High School and Purdue University. He also completed his IMM Global EMBA in business administration and management from the Krannert School of Management and is pursuing his Master of Finance from Harvard University Graduate School.

As chief financial officer of Indiana Home Care Plus, a home health care agency, he manages a multi-million dollar budget with a team of more than 50 employees. He is also the owner/operator of Baird Ranch, one of the largest quarter horse breeders in Indiana, just a few miles outside Greencastle.

Baird serves on the International Board of Directors for the American Quarter Horse Association and works with the board of directors for the Indiana Quarter Horse Association and Quarter Horse Racing of Indiana. He is also a member of the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Program presented by AgrIInstitute.

He is the chair of the Putnam County Republican Party. Baird is also a member of the Indiana West Central Economic Development District.