Chris (Christopher) May (R-SH065)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 317.232.9756
FAX: 317.233.9835
District: 317.232.9850
State House 200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786

District Office:
200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2786
Elected: 2016    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Amanda   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Local Government
MemberHouse Committee on Roads and Transportation
MemberHouse Committee on Financial Institutions
Counties Representing
Bartholomew / Brown / Jackson / Lawrence


State Rep. Chris May Indiana State Representative- 2016-Present Represents House District 65, which includes all of Lawrence County, and portions of Jackson, Orange and Washington counties.

Leadership- Chair, Local Government Standing Committees- Local Government (Chair) Natural Resources Occupation- Business Development Director at Whitney Tool Company, Inc., and small-business owner Telephone- (317) 232-9600 Address- 200 W. Washington St.

Indianapolis, IN 46204 Biography- State Rep. Chris May was elected to represent House District 65 in 2016. He has spent decades working in and around the manufacturing industry, including management, engineer and design positions with Ford Motor Company, Cook, General Motors, OTIS Elevator and Whitney Tool Company, Inc.

May currently is the business development director at Whitney Tool Company, Inc., in Bedford. He also owns and operates Hoosier Tech Properties, a small business providing residential housing.A three-term Lawrence County commissioner, May graduated from Bedford North Lawrence High School and Vincennes University. In February 2023, he was inducted into the Renaissance Wall of Fame at Bedford North Lawrence, which honors graduates who are considered outstanding in their career, or who contribute through volunteerism or their career to improve their community. May is deeply involved in the community, with memberships in the Bedford Masonic Lodge #14, Sons of the American Legion Gillen Post #33, Springmill FOP Lodge #172 and Stone City FOP Lodge #94.

May has also served on several boards, including the Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence County, Lawrence County Solid Waste Management District, Dunn Memorial Hospital, Lawrence County Economic Growth Council and Lawrence County Redevelopment Commission. He also served as chair of the Lawrence County Insurance Steering Committee.

May was named the 2017 Indiana Assisted Living Association Legislator of the Year. In June 2018, he participated in the 64th annual U.S. Army War College National Security Seminar in Carlisle Barracks, Pa. The Indiana County Commissioners honored May with the County Commissioners Outstanding Advocate Award in 2023 for his policy work and advocacy as chair of the House Local Government Committee.

A lifelong resident of Lawrence County, May was raised in Oolitic and currently lives in Bedford with his wife, Amanda, and their two children, Carter and Sydney.