Adam (Adam) Holmes (R-SH97)
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Capitol: 614.644.6014 FAX: 614.719.6994 District: 614.644.6014
Representative Ohio House of Representatives
13th Floor Vern Riffe Center 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6111
District Office: 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Elected: 2019 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Christi DOB: 7/31/1967 |
BioState Representative Adam Holmes is serving his third term in the Ohio House of Representatives after being appointed in the 133rd General Assembly. He represents the 97th Ohio House District, which includes all of Muskingum County and western Guernsey County.
Holmes is currently the CEO of Frueh Enterprises, a mechanical and industrial contracting company that has operated in Zanesville for over 80 years. Prior to his business career, Holmes spent over 27 years in the United States Marine Corps and retired as a Colonel in 2016. During his career as a Marine aviator, Holmes served in several senior leadership and command positions. His experience includes 40 combat missions supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom and over 3000 flight hours supporting crisis response missions in Somalia, Rwanda, the Middle East, and other areas around the world.
Holmes is the Chairman of the Ohio Aerospace and Aviation Committee and the Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee. Other committee memberships include- Innovation and Technology, Public Utilities, and Health Policy.
Throughout his Statehouse tenure, Holmes has focused on building trust and transparency in Ohio government, increasing healthcare access and affordability, supporting small businesses, and strengthening Ohio families.
Holmes is very active in his community and is a member of New Hope Lutheran Church. Holmes has a Bachelor of Science in Political Science (Engineering Core Curriculum) from the United States Naval Academy and a Master of Science in Global Leadership from the University of San Diego.
He lives with his wife and their two children in Nashport, Ohio.