Capitol: 614.466.8035 FAX: 614.719.6996 District: 330.267.9447
Representative Ohio House of Representatives
11th Floor Vern Riffe Center 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6111
District Office: 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Elected: 2024 Next Election: 2026 | |
BioJodi Salvo is a committed community leader with a strong dedication and desire to serve the 51st District, covering Tuscarawas and Southern Stark Counties. Jodi and her husband Phil of over 30 years, have chosen to call Tuscarawas County home for the past 17 years. They quickly realized it was an ideal place to raise their children, offering a small-town atmosphere, excellent schools, and a supportive community, and Jodi fell in love with the Tuscarawas County region.
Jodi currently serves as the Director of Substance Use Prevention Services at OhioGuidestone, a leading behavioral health organization in Ohio. With a track record of securing grants, expanding programs, managing budgets, and overseeing staff. She has a proven ability to find practical solutions to address community needs. Jodi's unwavering commitment to preventing youth substance use, promoting mental health wellness, serving the most vulnerable and underserved and addressing suicide prevention spans over a decade.
Proven Track Record
Conservative Christian
Community Engagement
Jodi & Phil Salvo
Jodi & her Husband Phil
Proven Record of Community Engagement
As the coordinator of the Empower Tusc Coalition, Jodi actively engages with various community organizations, including The Addiction Task Force, Tuscarawas County Family & Children First Council, Healthy Tusc, and Tuscarawas County ministerial associations. She has dedicated her time to volunteering at the community food pantry and offering help when community needs arise. Jodi plays an integral role in statewide initiatives. She is a public speaker and trainer and serves on several state boards and task forces. She is a board member for Ohio's Prevention Professionals Association, and past president and advisory council member of Ohio's Statewide Prevention Coalition Association. Additionally, she holds a seat on the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Board, as well as Ohio's SPF Rx Advisory Board. Jodi is committed to finding solutions to mitigate Ohio's addiction and mental health crisis.
Conservative Christian
Jodi's upbringing on a dairy farm in Western Pennsylvania instilled in her the values of faith, family, community, service, and hard work. Her educational journey led to a bachelor's degree in social work from California University of Pennsylvania and a master's in social work from Marywood University and she holds a certification in geriatric social work. Jodi has a rich background in medical social work, long-term care, and working with at-risk youth. Currently, her team delivers programming to Tuscarawas County schools, and her coalition works to create healthier communities by empowering youth, supporting families, reducing stigma, promoting community resources, and advocating for the recovery community.
Recognition & Awards
In 2018, Jodi's outstanding service and steadfast dedication were recognized by the Tuscarawas County Chamber of Commerce, naming her "Citizen of the Year." A natural networker and adept problem solver, Jodi excels at uniting people around common goals and achieving tangible results. Guided by a strong faith conviction, Jodi and Phil are active members of Dover Alliance Church, where they have also served as youth group leaders. They are the proud parents of two wonderful young men, Matthew, and Jeremy.
Jodi & Phil Salvo
with son's Matt (left) and Jeremy (right)
Commitment to Serve
Jodi Salvo's unwavering dedication, extensive experience in mental and behavioral health, and proven leadership make her an exceptional candidate for Ohio State Representative in District 51. Jodi is committed to amplifying the voices of Tuscarawas County and Southern Stark residents in Columbus. She has experience advocating in Columbus. She recognizes the importance of well-crafted legislation to protect and advance Ohio residents. She has provided in-person testimony multiple times and on multiple issues. You can be confident that she will advocate for conservative Republican values and work tirelessly to address the needs and concerns of her constituents.
With Jodi as your representative, she will be available to listen, learn and act. She is a get it done kind of person who is willing to stand strong and do the right thing. You can expect effective representation and be confident that she is a woman of integrity who is serving to make our community and State stronger, healthier, and better.