Meredith (Meredith) Craig (R-SH77)
Email - Web Site
Capitol: 614.466.1474 FAX: 614.719.0333 District: 614.466.1474
11th Floor Vern Riffe Center 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6111
District Office: 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Elected: 2024 Next Election: 2026 | |
BioBorn and raised right here in Wayne County, Craig grew up on a chicken farm in Creston, OH. She was able to learn the value of hard work and discipline. Craig was an active member of 4H and FFA. Craig is a Smithville graduate and daughter of Paul and Julie Alexander.
Craig worked at a local grocery store in Smithville for seven years. That experience gave her proof positive that we need to fight for lower taxes, smaller government, and reduced regulations to truly promote economic growth and prosperity. She's translated that experience in her work as Director of Healthcare Policy at the Ohio Chamber of Commerce.
As a wife of a law enforcement officer and a staunch Second Amendment advocate, Craig always prioritizes giving our first responders the support they need while safeguarding our fundamental rights.
Craig is a strong Christian conservative and active in her church in Rittman. Her guiding principles allow her to champion pro-life initiatives and advocate for school choice. She is making Ohio a state that prioritizes the sanctity of life and empowers parents to choose the best education for their children.
Six years as Assistant Director of Government Affairs for the Ohio Department of Insurance
Worked in the Ohio Senate and Ohio House under Republican leadership
Worked for Ron Amstutz while he served as Speaker Pro Tempore serving our district
Member of the Wayne County Farm Bureau, Ohio Township Association, Wayne County FOPA Lodge 53, Wayne County GOP, Ohio Women in Government, Jo Ann Davidson Leadership Institute, Buckeye Firearms Association, Wayne County Republican Women