Monica (Monica) Robb Blasdel (R-SH79)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 614.466.8022
FAX: 614.719.6971
District: 614.466.8022
Ohio House of Representatives
11th Floor Vern Riffe Center 77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6111

District Office:
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Elected: 2022    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Chuck   
Committee Assignments
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Natural Resources
MemberHouse Committee on Arts, Athletics, and Tourism
MemberHouse Committee on Transportation
MemberHouse Committee on Energy


State Representative Monica Robb Blasdel is serving her first term in the Ohio House of Representatives. She represents the 79th House District, which encompasses the majority of Columbiana County and all of Carroll County.

Representative Robb Blasdel has a broad background of work experience both in the private and public sectors. She started her career working for her family's small business and spent several years after that working in Marketing and Sales before joining the Ohio Lieutenant Governor's team in 2010. She has experience in education and workforce, labor, as well as regulatory reform and broadband expansion projects. Monica has a passion for public service and is dedicated to her community. She graduated from Crestview High School (Columbiana) and received her bachelor's degree from the University of Akron.

She is currently a member of the Ohio Farm Bureau, an associate member of the Columbiana County Township Association, a member of the Mahoning Valley Republican Women's Club and a member of the Columbiana County Republican Party Central Committee. She also previously served as Republican State Central Committeewoman in Ohio's 33rd District.

Representative Robb Blasdel is a lifelong resident of Columbiana County. She and her husband, Chuck Blasdel, reside in Columbiana with their two daughters, Presley and Raegan, and attend Greenford Christian Church.