Jason (Jason) Stephens (R-SH93)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 614.466.1366
FAX: 614.719.6987
District: 614.466.1366
Ohio House of Representatives
13th Floor Vern Riffe Center 77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6111

District Office:
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Elected: 2019    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Juli   
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Financial Institutions
MemberHouse Committee on Government Oversight
MemberHouse Committee on Medicaid
MemberHouse Committee on Local Government


Speaker Jason Stephens proudly serves as state representative to the 93rd District. Stephens is in his second full term in the Ohio House after being appointed in 2019 and represents Gallia, Jackson, and Lawrence Counties.

In the 134th General Assembly, Stephens served on the Finance, Insurance, and Public Utilities committees as well as the Chairman of Energy and Natural Resources. Stephens has an extensive background in local government, previously serving as Lawrence County auditor from 2011-2019. Stephens was also Lawrence County commissioner from 2001-2011 and President from 2009-2010.

Since 1996, Stephens has been a licensed insurance agent at Stephens & Son Insurance Agency, Inc. and, since 1999, is a co-owner of Stephens & Son Insurance of Chesapeake, Inc. In 1993, Stephens graduated from Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee with a Bachelor's degree in Economics/Finance and Business Management. He has been married to his wife Juli since 1994, and they live on a small farm in Getaway. He and his wife have three sons and are active members of the Rome Church of Christ in Proctorville.