Shelley (Shelley) Luther (R-SH062)

Capitol: 512.463.0845
FAX: 512.463.5896
District: 214.551.4677
Capitol Extension 1100 Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78701

District Office:
PO Box 2
Tom Bean, TX 75489
Elected: 2024    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Trade, Workforce and Economic Development
Counties Representing
Delta / Fannin / Grayson


Small business owner and former school teacher, Shelley Luther stood up against Government Shutdowns and was thrown in jail by a liberal judge. Shelley is a true Christian Conservative Republican that has the courage to stand up against the liberal agenda.

Shelley and her husband reside just outside Tom Bean, Texas, where they operate a horse and animal rescue. They are members of King's Trail Cowboy Church, highly active in local conservative politics, and can't get enough of the beautiful sunsets and rolling hills of Grayson County.

Are you tired of empty promises from our elected officials? Tired of tax increases? Tired of our wide-open border? Tired of government mandates? Shelley Luther is.

Shelley Luther will fight to preserve Texas values, and she won't back down when things get tough.