Harry (H.B.) Bhandari (D-SH08A)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 410.841.3526
FAX: 410.946.5080
District: 410.841.3526
Room 303 Lowe House Office Building 6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1912

District Office:
7701 Belair Road
Nottingham, MD 21236
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Insurance and Pharmaceuticals
MemberSubcommittee on Health Occupations and Long Term Care
MemberHouse Committee on Health and Government Operations
Counties Representing


First elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 2018. Member of the House since January 9, 2019.

Current Assignments 2019 Health and Government Operations Committee 2019 Insurance and Pharmaceuticals Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee 2019 Health Occupations and Long-Term Care Subcommittee of the Health and Government Operations Committee 2021 1st Vice Chair Maryland Legislative Asian-American and Pacific-Islander Caucus, Inc. (Member, 2019, Treasurer, 2019, Chair, Outreach Committee, 2020 Secretary ) Public Service Member, Baltimore County Government's Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee; Founder, Nepali for HIllary, 2016.

Memberships Linover Community Association; Young Democrats of America, Minority Caucus.

Awards Baltimore County Asian American Award, 2017.

Biographical Information Born in Nepal, October 1, 1977; The Johns Hopkins University, Educational Leadership and Administration; University of Maryland Baltimore County, Ph.D., Literacy and Culture (Political Participation and Linguistic Integration of Minorities), 2022; English teacher, author, principal and lecturer in Kathmandu, Nepal; Teacher, Baltimore City Schools; Adjunct Faculty, Baltimore City Community College; Married; two children.