Beth (Beth) Liston (D-SS16)
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Capitol: 614.466.5981
FAX: 614.466.8261
District: 614.664.3477
Ohio State Senate
Room 051 Senate Building 1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215

District Office:
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215
Elected: 2024    Next Election: 2028
Spouse: Denver   DOB: 10/26/1974
Committee Assignments
Ranking MemberSenate Committee on Health
Ranking MemberJoint Committee on Medicaid Oversight
Ranking MemberSenate Committee on Medicaid
MemberSenate Committee on Ways and Means
MemberSenate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
MemberSenate Committee on Small Business and Economic Opportunity
MemberSenate Committee on Rules and Reference
MemberSenate Committee on Financial Institutions, Insurance and Technology
Counties Representing


Dr. Beth Liston is serving in her third term as a member of the Ohio House, representing Worthington, and part of Northern Columbus. She began her career in medicine, earning her MD and PhD at the Ohio State University and subsequently training in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Yale New Haven Hospital. Upon completing her residencies, Dr. Liston joined the faculty at Ohio State in 2006. Since that time, she has worked clinically as a hospitalist at OSU's Wexner Medical Center and at Nationwide Children's Hospital, caring for adults and children in the inpatient setting. She is a Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine and Pediatrics with significant involvement in medical student education and a passion for advocacy.

Dr. Liston first ran for office in 2018, in order to bring a better understanding of impact of policy on health and wellness to the Ohio General Assembly. She serves as the Ranking Member on the Public Health Policy Committee and the Health & Human Services Finance Subcommittee, and sits on the Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee, Families Aging and Human Services Committee, Health Providers Services Committee, and Finance Committee. In the community Dr. Liston is past-president of the Columbus Medical Association and a member of the Dublin-Worthington Rotary. She lives in the Dublin area with her husband and their two teenage children.