Doug (Doug) Campbell (R-SS30)
Email - Web Site
Capitol: 515.281.3371 FAX: 515.242.5212 District: 641.430.3394
State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319
District Office: 1007 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319
Elected: 2024 Next Election: 2028 | |
BioHello, I am Doug Campbell. The third-born son to my parents on October 17, 1954, in Des Moines, Iowa.
I am a 5th-generation Iowan.
Growing up, we had a family business, Campbell Heating Company which became Campbell Industries, Inc. in 1964. We manufactured commercial heating and cooling systems for a variety of applications. The predominant business was elevator grain dryers, which later branched into seed drying for Funk, Dekalb, and Pioneer seed corn dryers. This business extended into South America and Eastern Europe.
My interest was not inclined to the business of drying and storing grain. So, in 1975 I attended Drake University College of Pharmacy, graduating midterm in December 1978 from pharmacy school.
Upon graduation and licensure, I accepted my first job in Mason City, Iowa. I married a southern belle (Karen) in 1983 and brought her back to Iowa. We have two adult children, Grant and Elizabeth, who are following their own calling.
I retired from actively practicing pharmacy in 2014. However, I still retain an active license as a Registered Pharmacist. I am the founder of a company that develops Intellectual Property associated with developing and formulating nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals.
My faith instructs me to love God and my fellow man. This is the primary motivation for serving my fellow man by seeking office in our state government.
My wife and I have been active in the Republican Party since 1984 when Ronald Regan ran for his second term as President of the United States.
Recently I became a candidate for the ballot to run for the Iowa House of Representatives in District 59 on March 1, 2022.