Roger (Roger) D. Lynch (R-SH060)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 501.682.7771
FAX: 501.682.1936
District: 501.412.8959
Arkansas House of Representatives
Room 350 State Capitol Building 500 Woodlane Street
Little Rock, AR 72201

District Office:
405 Gold Lane
Lonoke, AR 72086
Elected: 2016    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Sheila   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Economic Development
MemberSubcommittee on Claims
Vice ChairSubcommittee on PEER (Performance Evaluation & Expenditure Review)
MemberHouse Committee on Revenue and Taxation
MemberJoint Committee on Budget
Counties Representing
Conway / Greene / Lawrence / Perry / Randolph / Sharp


Rep. Roger Lynch is serving his fourth term in the Arkansas House. He represents District 60 which includes a portion of Lonoke and Prairie Counties.

For the 94th General Assembly, Rep. Lynch serves as the Vice Chair of the House Agriculture, Forestry and Economic Development. He also serves on the House Revenue and Taxation Committee and the Joint Budget Committee.

Rep. Lynch earned his bachelor's degree from UALR and then earned his master's degree in Operations Management from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. He is a small business owner.

He served on the Lonoke County Quorum Court for 10 years.

Rep. Lynch also serves on the board of directors for the Lonoke County Coalition for Progress. He serves as the treasurer for Grace Baptist Church in Lonoke.

Rep. Lynch resides in Lonoke with his wife, Sheila,