Dean (Dean) C. Fisher (R-SH053)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 515.281.3221
FAX: 515.281.6958
District: 641.750.3594
State Capitol 1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319

District Office:
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
Elected: 2012    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
ChairmanHouse Committee on Environmental Protection
MemberJoint Review Committee on Fuel Distribution Percentage Formula
MemberHouse Committee on Agriculture
MemberHouse Committee on Public Safety
MemberHouse Committee on Natural Resources
MemberSubcommittee on Economic Development
Counties Representing
Cerro Gordo


Dean Fisher is serving his third term in the Iowa House.

Dean is a fifth-generation Iowa farmer and owns and operates a Heritage Farm that has been in his family since 1852.

Dean was raised in Tama County and upon graduation from South Tama High school in 1975, Dean went on to receive a Bachelor's Degree in Electronics Engineering Technology at the DeVry Institute of Technology in Chicago.

After a successful career in the electronics industry, Dean realized his dream of returning to the family farm in 2004 and he joined his brother, Brad, in managing a 120-head herd of beef cows. The Fisher's retired from active farming in 2014 and now rent out their land to neighboring farmers. Dean still works to maintain the farm property.

Over the last seven years, Dean has served as a Precinct Election Chairman, been elected twice to serve as Township Clerk, was elected as the Tama County Republican Party County Chairman and was appointed to the Tama County Pioneer Cemetery Association.