Capitol: 217.782.3840 FAX: 217.782.0813 District: 815.220.8720
Room 108-C Capitol Building 401 South Second Street Springfield, IL 62706
District Office: 350 Fifth Street Peru, IL 61354
Elected: 2010 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Keith Rezin |
BioDeputy Minority Leader Sue Rezin has served as the Senator for the 38th Senate District in the Illinois State Senate since 2010. In 2021, she was chosen as Deputy Minority Leader for the Illinois Senate Republican Caucus. Deputy Minority Leader Rezin helped establish the Grundy County summer internship program. Teaming up with the Grundy Area Vocational Center, the Grundy Economic Development Council, and several local employers, Senator Rezin has helped dozens of students obtain high quality internships. Deputy Minority Leader Rezin also established the Illinois Valley Flood Resiliency Alliance (IVFRA). The IVFRA brings communities, local governments, and emergency personnel together to help them prepare for extreme weather events, especially floods, through education, communication, and the purchasing of flood prevention materials. On the national level, Deputy Minority Leader serves on the Chair of the National Foundation for Women Legislator. She is also an active member of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), currently serving on the Task Force on Energy Supply. Deputy Minority Leader Rezin is a graduate of Augustana College, where she earned a degree in International Business and Political Science with a minor in Hispanic Studies. She is also a graduate of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government's Senior Executives in State and Local Government Program.