Michael (Sarge) Sarge Pollock (R-SH051)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 502.564.8100
FAX: 502.564.6543
District: 270.403.7980
Kentucky Legislature
Room 416 Capitol Annex 702 Capitol Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601

District Office:
PO Box 164
Campellsville, KY 42719
Elected: 2021    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Banking and Insurance
Co-ChairJoint Statutory Committee Tobacco Settlement Agreement Fund Oversight
MemberHouse Committee on Tourism and Outdoor Recreation
MemberHouse Committee on Families and Children
MemberHouse Committee on Agriculture
MemberInterim Joint Committee on Banking and Insurance
MemberInterim Joint Committee on Agriculture
MemberInterim Joint Committee on Tourism, Small Business, and Information Technology
Counties Representing
Adair / Taylor


Jessie Insurance Agency; Baptist. BS Campbellsville Univ. Homeplace on Green River Brd, Green River Ministry Volunteer, 5th Region basketball official, Breckinridge Co Hall of Fame.

Service House 2021 - Present