Capitol: 502.564.8100 FAX: 502.564.6543 District: 502.639.7079
Representative Kentucky Legislature
Room 396 Capitol Annex 702 Capitol Avenue Frankfort, KY 40601
District Office: 8151 Little Mount Road Taylorsville, KY 40071
Elected: 2014 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Martha DOB: 12/7/1959 |
BioJames Allen Tipton was born and raised on a dairy farm in the Little Mount community of Spencer County. He and his family still operate a 40 head beef operation on part of the original family farm. He was a 1977 graduate of Taylorsville High school. The local FFA chapter helped him start his leadership skills and he was chapter President during his senior year. In 1978, he was awarded the highest degree offered by FFA, The American Farmer Degree. His graduating class named him, "Most Likely to Succeed". James Allen received his Bachelor of Science Degree in 1981 from the University of Kentucky in Agricultural Education and he received his Masters in Vocational Education from UK in 1985. James Allen has served on many boards and community organizations at the local, state and national levels. He has served as a board member of Spencer County Farm Bureau for 32 years, having served as county president for 4 years and currently serving on the executive committee as Treasurer. He is past president of the Spencer County Fair Board. He was the first chairman of the Taylorsville/Spencer County Tourism board when it was started. Over the years, he has been active with the Spencer County Extension Council, Habitat for Humanity and has served as an elder at both Mt Eden and Spencer Christian Church. He is a past president of the Salt River Christian Men's Fellowship and a past board member of Camp Calvary Christian Camp. On the state level, he has served on the Kentucky Farm Bureau Young Farmer, Resolution, Dairy Advisory and Tax Advisory Committee's. In 1989, he and his wife Martha were named as the Outstanding Young Farm Family by Kentucky Farm Bureau. He is a past area council member of Dairy Farmers of America and a past board member of the American Dairy Association of Kentucky. He also has served on the Shelbyville Southern States Board, including 3 years as Chairman. He served for many years on the KABA/Select Sires Board. In 1999, he was appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture to serve a 3 year term on the National Beef Promotion and Research Board. Currently, he is co-owner and principal broker of Premier Realtors in Taylorsville. James Allen serves on the Professional Standards Committee of the Kentucky Association of Realtors and just completed his term serving on the Spencer County Board of Adjustments. He is a member of the board of directors for Cornerstone Christian Academy. He and his family attend Briar Ridge Christian Church. He and his wife, Martha have been married for 27 years. They have been blessed with three very special children, Joshua, Jacob and Sarah..