Capitol: 502.564.2450 FAX: 502.564.6543 District: 270.789.5283
Senator Kentucky Legislature
Room 242 Capitol Annex 702 Capital Avenue Frankfort, KY 40601
District Office: 702 Capitol Avenue Frankfort, KY 40601
Elected: 2014 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Heather Marie Hood DOB: 6/28/1975 |
Born June 28, 1975. Professor, Campbellsville Univ & UK. Roman Catholic. Campbellsville High School, 1993. Campbellsville Univ, BA. The Patterson School of Diplomacy, 1999. Texas A&M Univ, Advanced Certificate. Chamber of Commerce. Upward Basketball Supporter. KHIPP, Bd member. Taylor Co Tourist Commission. KY Christian Academy, Bd. Educator of the year, Campbellsville/Taylor Co Chamber of Commerce. Educator of the year, Campbellsville Univ Educator.
Senate 2015 - Present