Max (Max) Wise (R-SS16)
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Capitol: 502.564.2450
FAX: 502.564.6543
District: 270.789.5283
Kentucky Legislature
Room 242 Capitol Annex 702 Capital Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601

District Office:
702 Capitol Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601
Elected: 2014    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Heather Marie Hood   DOB: 6/28/1975
Committee Assignments
Co-ChairInterim Joint Committee on Tourism, Small Business, and Information Technology
Co-ChairInterim Joint Committee on Economic Development and Workforce Investment
MemberSenate Committee on Committees
MemberSenate Committee on Rules
MemberJoint Statutory Legislative Research Commission
MemberSenate Committee on Economic Development, Tourism and Labor
MemberSenate Committee on Families and Children
MemberInterim Joint Committee on Families and Children
MemberInterim Joint Committee on Health Services
MemberSenate Committee on Education
MemberInterim Joint Committee on Education
Counties Representing
Clinton / Cumberland / McCreary / Monroe / Wayne / Whitley


Bio Born June 28, 1975. Professor, Campbellsville Univ & UK. Roman Catholic. Campbellsville High School, 1993. Campbellsville Univ, BA. The Patterson School of Diplomacy, 1999. Texas A&M Univ, Advanced Certificate. Chamber of Commerce. Upward Basketball Supporter. KHIPP, Bd member. Taylor Co Tourist Commission. KY Christian Academy, Bd. Educator of the year, Campbellsville/Taylor Co Chamber of Commerce. Educator of the year, Campbellsville Univ Educator.

Service Senate 2015 - Present